About me

I have an extensive professional background in financial services and software delivery, creating and managing innovative financial products in the corporate payments & cash management space. Please see my LinkedIn profile below for more information.

I started my journey down the cryptocurrency and blockchain rabbit holes back in 2015 and I fell in love with the principles ever since. I have been an Ethereum smart contract devotee and following the space dilligently since 2017. In 2020, I got my certfication as a blockchain developer @ ConsenSys Academy. I have developed several smart contract backends and dapp frontends that were deployed to the Ethereum blockchain. I have also deep dived into and integrated with a number of other smart contract projects. My key area of interest is DeFi and I am at ease with several decentralized protocols in this space, such as DEXs/AMMs, money market/lending protocols, derivatives and insurance protocols, aggregators, layer 2 solutions, etc.

I am a creative problem solver, driven by learning experiences and connecting to other people. Please do reach out if you are working on an exciting blockchain project and need some help. I'm looking forward to meeting you!

See my linkedin profile


  • Languages: solidity, javascript, python
  • Smart contract development frameworks: truffle, remix, hardhat
  • Supporting blockchain technologies: openzeppelin, web3.js, ethers.js, infura, ipfs, scaffold-eth, chainlink, thegraph, binance smart chain, etc.
  • Web technologies: html, css, react.js, django, bootstrap
  • Areas of interest: DeFi, DAOs, NFTs
  • Human: Dutch, English, French


ConsenSys certified blockchain developer (2020) See credential

Kernel block III fellow (2021) See credential

The Graph Subgraph Developer (2021) See credential

Dapp projects portfolio

Below is a selection of dapp projects I have tinkered with and deployed to the Ethereum blockchain.

Prediction market

This dapp implements a decentralized, transparent prediction market that allows users to predict the future USD value of ETH on an hourly time frame. It relies on a ChainLink pricefeed oracle to enable the smart contract to retrieve real-world market prices and make the necessary decisions based on them. This was my final project submission for the ConsenSys Blockchain Developer Online Bootcamp (2020 edition).

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Multisig wallet

This dapp implements a simple multisig wallet. The idea behind a multisig wallet is that wallet users can only spend the ETH locked up in the smart contract, if a number of other wallet users (up to the required quorum) have approved a specific transaction. As soon as there are enough approvals, the smart contract will automatically transfer the funds to the recipient.

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Decentralized exchange

This dapp implements a decentralized exchange (DEX) for ERC20 tokens. The underlying smart contract allows traders to buy or sell ERC20 tokens over a trustless orderbook. This is decentralized finance (DeFi) at it's finest: once the smart contract is deployed, nobody can close the accounts of the traders or stop the trading.

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Coming soon: NFT marketplace

NFT marketplace for trading ERC721 & ERC1155 tokens.

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